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I am the third generation of individuals using the name Franklin T. Wike.
Since I am in the twilight years of my life, this site will be used as a way of leaving my personal LEGACY and hopefully passing along thoughts, feelings and ideas that will help educate, motivate and inspire others.
Most content will reveal how much God watched over me and protected me during my troubled times and blessed me when I became a Christian.
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Consider this a little intro into what you can expect from this website.
Unless I am tied up with Doctor appointments or Church, I "plan" on updating this website every day.
I currently sit on the Board of Directors for FIVE non-profit organizations, run 30 other websites and manage 200+ social media sites that are business oriented.
However this site is 100% about me as a person, including my Faith in GOD and the Trials and Tribulations that come with being human.